Welcome to the
Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Ltd
Established in 1989 the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Ltd (AIK Ltd) is known as the “The Institute” or the “AIK Ltd” and is a democratic, open organization developed to represent Kinesiology and Kinesiology Practitioners throughout Australia and Internationally and is an Industry peak governing leader.
The AIK Ltd is a self-regulating industry peak governing body supporting education and training, delivering Kinesiology qualifications by recognition and accrediting Kinesiology schools that are Modality Owners (MO) and/or are Registered Training Organisations (RTO).
Registered ASIC non-profit limited company.
Definitions of Kinesiology and a Kinesiologist
Kinesiology is a non-invasive, client centred, holistic and integrative modality which requires utilising the skills of muscle monitoring (as a verification or biofeedback mechanism) for anatomical, physiological and psychological stressors within the person.
Kinesiology Practitioner:
The Kinesiologist obtains feedback from the client via muscle monitoring and identifies the non-invasive strategies, applying these as required for the client. This enables the client to reduce their physical, emotional, energetic and mental stressors and to positively affect their health and well-being. Practitioners may be self-employed as independent practitioners or work in a professional centre with other practitioners of different qualifications.

Aims and Purposes of the AIK Ltd
- Benefit Kinesiology Practitioners, Students and the community.
- Maintain standards of the Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics for professional practitioners and the community.
- Promote accredited and recognised modalities of Kinesiology qualifications.
- The AIK Ltd Accreditation Board (AIKCAB) ratifies and accredits submitted courses and qualifications for professional industry recognition.
Supporting Our practitioners and members throughout the globe
The triangle is a simple diagram showing how Kinesiology is supported by members of the AIK Ltd, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), Modality Owners (MOs – course authors and instructors) registered and accredited with AIK Ltd.
To contact The Institute, please phone 1300 787 788 or send an email to info@aik.org.au.